Foto: Ein junger Mann sitzt auf einem Stuhl und liest in einem gelben Buch. Die Kamera blickt durch ein Bücherregal auf ihn.

Regional scholarship for university students
(Regional development policy components/REK)

Regionale Entwicklungs­politische Komponente (REK)

The BW scholarship is available to fund study abroad by university students from African, Caribbean, and Pacific countries (called ACP states) and Least Developed Countries (LDC).

The Regionale Entwicklungspolitische Komponente (Regional development policy components/REK) are designed for this purpose. As with the regular BW scholarship, international students can come to Germany under this project line, while university students from Baden-Württemberg can study in ACP/LDC countries.

However, the process for the REK is less bureaucratic:

  • International university students do not have to come from a Baden-Württemberg scholarship partner university.
  • International university students who want to spend time abroad in Baden-Württemberg can apply for the programme even if their university doesn't have a partner university in Baden-Württemberg.
  • In addition, the minimum scholarship duration is shorter.
Target audience
University students from ACP countries, LDCs, and other countries
Exchange: 2 to 11 months
Scholarship amount
€ 600 to € 1,400 per month


Applications cannot be submitted directly to the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung.


Applications from Baden-Württemberg
Applications can be submitted only through the Akademische Auslandsamt or in the International Office of your respective university in Baden-Württemberg. 

Applications from ACP countries, LDCs, and other countries
Information on applying for a Baden-Württemberg scholarship is available from the Akademische Auslandsamt or International Office at your home university abroad.



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